Complaint Policy

Complaint Policy

At Teassst, we are committed to providing exceptional products/services and ensuring your satisfaction. However, we understand that there may be instances where you're not completely satisfied with your experience. We value your feedback and are here to address any concerns you may have.

How to Lodge a Complaint

If you have a complaint, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible so that we can resolve the issue promptly. You can lodge a complaint through any of the following channels:

  • Email: Send an email to
If you have been depicted in any content and would like to appeal to remove any such content, please contact us via email If there should be a disagreement regarding this appeal, we will allow the disagreement to be resolved by a neutral body.

Our Commitment to You

When you lodge a complaint with us, here's what you can expect:

  1. Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 business days, confirming that we've received it and providing you with a reference number for tracking purposes.

  2. Investigation: Our dedicated team will thoroughly investigate your complaint, gathering all necessary information to understand the issue and its underlying causes.

  3. Resolution: Once the investigation is complete, we will propose a resolution tailored to address your specific concerns. This may include offering refunds, replacements, discounts, or other forms of compensation, depending on the nature of the complaint and our policies.

  4. Feedback: After resolving your complaint, we'll follow up with you to ensure your satisfaction with the outcome. Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us improve our products/services and customer experience.

Escalation Process

If you feel that your complaint has not been adequately addressed or if you're dissatisfied with the proposed resolution, you may request escalation to a higher level of management. We will ensure that escalated complaints receive priority attention and undergo further review.


Rest assured that we treat all complaints with the utmost confidentiality and respect for your privacy. Any personal information you provide during the complaint process will be used solely for the purpose of resolving your complaint and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except as required by law.

Review and Continuous Improvement

We regularly review and update our Complaint Policy to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant regulations. Your feedback is instrumental in helping us improve our complaint handling process and deliver a better experience for you.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Thank you for choosing Teassst. We appreciate your business and strive to make every interaction with us a positive one.


Your Teassst Team